Childhood Obesity Puts Kids at Risk for Health Problems

By - liz
01.09.17 12:36 AM
childhood obesity One in 3 children in the United States is overweight or obese. Yes! The really bad news is that childhood obesity puts kids at risk for health problems that were once seen only in adults, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It also puts them at risk for other nasty things... like bullying, like being picked last for sports teams and games, like being overlooked in class or judged to be less intelligent...or lazy or sloppy...or name calling... like "Fatty, fatty, two by four... Can't get through the bathroom door!" ( I heard that one on the school bus.) The good news is that childhood obesity can be prevented. In honor of National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, I encourage your family to make healthy changes together. Here's how-
  • Get active outside: Walk around the neighborhood, go on a bike ride, or play basketball at the park. Play Frisbee in the yard, play tag, skip rope...move!
  • Get active inside: Go bowling, roller skating, rock climbing, Wii Fit games and sports, yoga, dance!
  • Limit screen time: Keep screen time (time spent on the computer, watching TV, or playing video games) to 2 hours or less a day.
  • Make healthy meals: Buy and serve more vegetables and fruits. Skip the fruit juices. They are high in sugar. Ditch the sugary cereals.
  • Use muscle testing to determine which foods are actually good for your child. Book a call with me and I'll teach you how...for free. Here's the link: Schedule a call with Liz
  • Use kid-size plates... like the ones from Livliga (Kidliga). Order Here!kidliga dinnerware
Sit down to eat as a family... no distractions. Encourage kids to chew thoroughly. Pack healthy lunches for school. Make sure your kid gets enough sleep. Have a bedtime routine. Take the electronics out of the bedroom. Their tiny lights disrupt sleep. Taking small steps as a family can help your child stay at a healthy weight.  
