4 Signs Your Body is Nutritionally Starving!

By - liz
06.08.18 09:20 PM

nutritionally starving

It is no secret. Aside from the fact that diets simply do not work for sustainable weight loss...the one-size-fits-all meal plans make me cra-ca!

The truth is that we are all unique. Literally, one person´s food is another person´s poison. And, here's the thing... our bodies are constantly trying to guide and communicate with us. Sadly, many of us ignore them! While some people tell me that they intuitively know that their body is speaking to them, they often aren’t sure how to understand and interpret the messages that their body is sending. The truth is that discomfort is NOT normal. It should never be tolerated. It is your body sending you an SOS. It is a cry for HELP! Here are four signs... think "Billboard size"... that you can help you better listen to and understand your own body. These will tell you that your body is nutritionally starving as well as what types of nutritional support it needs to be healthy and happy. Sign #1  Regular Sugar Cravings One of the most obvious ways that you can tell if your body is nutritionally deficient is if you are regularly experiencing sugar cravings. When your body is balanced and healthy, sugar cravings are non-existent. What to do? Switch to a real food diet. Consider these three supplements that I find extremely helpful to help eliminate sugar cravings:  magnesium, vitamin B’s and chromium. Sign #2  Digestive disorders Digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, heartburn, and reflux are urgent messages from your body that it is NOT happy! The solution? Eat a real foods diet and combine with some of my favorite healing supplements which really encourage natural, healthy bowel movements:  probiotics, aloe vera, glutamine, and zinc. Sign #3  Feeling tired or stressed Your energy levels affect how you feel. They are one of the key indicators of your overall health and well-being. Do you need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning? Do you have energy that sustains you throughout the day OR does your energy dip and dive? Did you know that it is your birthright to feel healthy and energized naturally? Want to have more energy? Eat natural foods. Ditch the manufactured stuff. Consider supplementing with nutrient dense greens powder, Co-Q10, magnesium, vitamin B, vitamin C, and spirulina. Peppermint tea is an excellent pick-me-up in the afternoon. Sign #4  Dental issues Tooth decay, sensitive teeth, and gum issues are another sign of nutritional starvation and imbalance. Recent dental research is proving that nutrition does play an important and integral part in creating healthy teeth (and healthy bodies.) Are you having teeth troubles? Then listen to this message from your body. Work alongside a holistic dentist (or doctor). Cut out fake and processed foods (refined flour, sugar and oil of all kinds). Increase fermented foods and your intake of vitamin D. Listen to Your Body and Feed It the Nutrients It Needs Vibrant health comes naturally when you learn how to listen to your body and feed it with the nutrients that it recognizes and can assimilate. Regularly muscle-testing your food and supplements can help you determine what those are. Remember that you are in a long-term relationship with your body. As in any healthy relationship, communication must be a 2-way process. When you take the time to listen to your body and the signs it sends, you will have created a happy, healthy, kind and loving friendship for life.
