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The Truth about Pure Fruit Juice

08.11.18 06:18 PM By liz - Comment(s)

pure fruit juice

THEY say... It’s pure fruit juice, so it’s good for us, it's good for our kids, right?


Juice is actually a drink made of pure liquid sugar... in this case fructose. So, in spite of the fact that you or your children may be drinking a drink that says “100% pure fruit juice,” it may as well say...

How to Eat Halloween Treats Without Gaining Weight

22.10.18 06:32 PM By liz - Comment(s)

halloween treats

It's that time of year. It's inevitable.

Few people I know can resist having Halloween treats in the house in October. Next to Valentine's Day, more candy is sold and consumed than any other time of the year. All those little delectable goodies... so tempting... What if you could enjoy the Halloween...

Late Eating Could be Keeping You Fat and Tired

08.09.18 11:19 PM By liz - Comment(s)
Liz Bull - Late eating could be keeping you fat and tired
What is YOUR main meal? If you are like most Americans, it's dinner… which has come to mean the evening meal. And you usually have it after 6 PM, right? Well, it wasn't always like that. For centuries, "dinner" (the heavier main meal) was eaten mid-day... between 11 and 3.  After 6 ...

Mayonnaise- French or Spanish?

31.08.18 09:17 PM By liz - Comment(s)

Mayonnaise recipe

I love history.... including the history of foods.... and I got curious about mayonnaise... one of those things at the top of the list for summer salads.

Many have said that it was born in 1756 after French forces under the Duke de Richelieu laid siege to Port Mahon, on the Mediterranean island...

4 Signs Your Body is Nutritionally Starving!

06.08.18 09:20 PM By liz - Comment(s)

nutritionally starving

It is no secret. Aside from the fact that diets simply do not work for sustainable weight loss...the one-size-fits-all meal plans make me cra-ca!

The truth is that we are all unique. Literally, one person´s food is another person´s poison. And, here's the thing... our bodies are constantly...
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